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How do you get your core facility operating at full capacity?

Generate new revenue by partnering with companies that need to leverage your campus’s equipment and facilities.

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Helping top universities lease their facilities

Universities have world-class equipment and facilities.

FirstIgnite runs targeted outbound marketing campaigns, leveraging emails, LinkedIn, and phone, in order to book appointments with companies interested in partnering with your university.

Learn why you need a plan to partner with industry →

Maximize facility use

Core facilities are one of the biggest revenue opportunities for a campus

We help you get your facility in front of companies interested in partnering and leveraging your facility and expertise.

Let us handle the hard part

Our marketing campaigns are world class.

After getting you set up on our system, our active marketing campaigns use custom scheduling links for each one of your technologies, that maximize the number of meetings booked for a technology.

  • Partnership Conversations / Innovation Listing
  • Partnership Conversations / Month
    > 250
  • Companies Reviewing Innovation / Month
    > 2500

FirstIgnite customers with actively marketed innovation listings are meeting with an average of 5 companies. Currently, 2,500 companies are reviewing innovation listings and scheduling 250+ partnership meetings with universities each month.

Success Stories


CollaborateConnecting Industry & AcademiaNew Horizons

Exploring the Latest Blockchain Technology Advancements in 2024

August 28, 2024
An Introduction to Blockchain Technology Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed digital ledger that records transactions…

Collaborate: The Art and Science of Data Visualization: A Hands-On Approach to Impactful Storytelling

June 10, 2024
FirstIgnite is supporting The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s course "The Art and Science of…

Collaborate: enAble Games

January 25, 2024
FirstIgnite is partnering with Drexel University’s affiliated startup, enAble Games, to find companies interested in…

What Our Customers Say

Over half of the companies we met with are now seeking a seed grant to co-develop with Northwestern. We should have done this a long time ago.

Dr. Gajendra S. ShekhawatSPID Facility Manager, Northwestern University