FirstIgnite is supporting the commercialization of Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory’s metamaterials for advanced telecommunications technology. This metasurface technology overcomes previous challenges, enhancing reflective behaviors of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces. It paves the way for improved communications in crowded environments and promises advancements in telecommunications and low-power sensing.
This technology finds application in enhancing bandwidth for cellular and Wi-Fi signals in urban environments, developing compact and lightweight sensors for data collection, and enabling low-power, passive data transfer across various operational scenarios. The global wireless connectivity market size is expected to increase to $219.86 billion by 2030, up from $71.60 billion in 2022.
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory’s metamaterials for advanced telecommunications technology is ready for collaboration (licensing, partnerships, industry feedback, etc.). Is your company the right fit? If you’d be available for a conversation with the Johns Hopkins University APL team, you can schedule a time directly on their team’s calendar here.